@article{oai:oist.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001478, author = {Zhang, Shijin and Cortes, William and Sasaki, Toshio and Asahina, Shunsuke and Natsuko, Asano and Zhang, Qizheng and Zhang, Ye}, issue = {3}, journal = {ACS Applied Bio Materials}, month = {Feb}, note = {Inspired by the mechanoresponsive orientation of actin filaments in cell, we introduce a design paradigm of synthetic molecular self-assembling fibrils that respond to external mechanical force by transforming from a macroscopically disorder state to a highly ordered uniaxial aligned state. The incorporation of aromatic-containing amino acids and negatively charged amino acids lead to self-assembly motifs that transform into uniform nanofibrils in acidic solution. Adjusting the pH level of aqueous solution introduces optimal negative charge to the surface of self-assembling nanofibrils inducing long-range electrostatic repulsion forming a nematic phase. Upon external mechanical force, nanofibrils align in the force direction. Via evaporation casting in capillary confinement, the solvated synthetic self-assembling nanofibrils transform into scalable lamellar domains. Adjusting capillary geometry and drying procedure offers further parameters for tuning the mesoscale alignment of nanofibrils generating a variety of interference colors. The design paradigm of mechanoresponsive alignment of self-assembled nanofibrils as an addition of nanofabrication techniques is potentially employable for realizing biomimetic optical structures.}, pages = {1698--1704}, title = {Mechanoresponsive Alignment of Molecular Self-Assembled Negatively Charged Nanofibrils}, volume = {3}, year = {2020} }