@phdthesis{oai:oist.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000038, author = {Smith, Barnaby}, month = {2023-10-06, 2023-10-06}, note = {The study of condensed phases plays a crucial role in our understanding of physics. In particular, Charge Density Waves (CDWs) are an important phenomenon due to their close connection with a material's fermiology, in addition to their coexistence and competition with superconducting, magnetic, and other exotic phases. Rare earth tritellurides (RTe3) are a prototypical 2D material system which provide an excellent test platform for investigating these phases and the interplay between them. In this thesis, I will present the rst low temperature STM study of CeTe3, with the rst comprehensive discussion and simulation of quasiparticle interference (QPI) in any RTe3 compound. At 4.2 K, we conrm that CeTe3 shows the unidirectional CDW that is present at higher temperatures. We then use SX-ARPES to t an interacting tight binding model and demonstrate that the observed QPI can be interpreted with JDOS simulations based on this model band structure. We reveal the unexpected result that the QPI arises mainly from scattering between the original bands and their shadow band replicas, with backscattering being relatively suppressed. This pioneering study can be powerfully extended in the future to use QPI measurements to understand the interaction of the CDW state and other phases.}, school = {Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University}, title = {磁性電荷秩序物質CeTe3の電子状態イメージング}, year = {} }