@phdthesis{oai:oist.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000458, author = {前田 真貴 and Maeda, Maki}, month = {2024-04-16, 2024-04-16}, note = {Optical nanofibers (ONFs) pave the way for researchers to understand and control light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. Evanescent light fields at the waist of ONFs can be coupled to quantum emitters for various studies. In particular, significant experimental progress on quantum emitter coupling with an ONF-based cavity mode, for cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED), has been achieved in the last two decades. This thesis showcases the following topics: (i) the development of novel ONF cavity fabrication methods using a focused ion beam (FIB) which provides highly reflective cavity mirrors with more stable fabrication quality than conventional fabrication methods, (ii) the optical characterization of ONF cavities fabricated using the FIB technique, (iii) the investigation of the effects of laser annealing on the cavity modes, and (iv) the realization and characterization of an ONF-based cavity supporting higher-order modes (HOMs) and controlled excitation of the desired HOMs with polarization topology. This is a significant step toward degenerate multimode cQED and potential access to evanescent field singular optics using a HOM-ONF. This PhD work advances ONF-based cavity systems, not only for cQED studies but also contributes to their fundamental understanding in quantum optics, structured light, and beyond.}, school = {Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University}, title = {共振器量子電気力学のための光ナノファイバーベース共振器の開発}, year = {} }